1. Describe one unique and specific example of market basket analysis or DNA sequence analysis where data mining can help. Explain how it would help the retailer or sponsor of the data mining effort. 2. Describe the Bell-LaPadula Model (What kind of mode

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Can you help me understand this Computer Science question?

  • Describe one unique and specific example of market basket analysis or DNA sequence analysis where data mining can help. Explain how it would help the retailer or sponsor of the data mining effort.
  • Describe the Bell-LaPadula Model (What kind of model is it? What are its key Features? What are its key Axioms?)
  • Compare and contrast Discretionary Access Control and Mandatory Access Control.
    • Why would you use DAC instead of MAC?
    • Does using MAC without running DAC underneath make any sense?

APA one paragraph for each question.

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