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I’m studying for my Algebra class and need an explanation.

Question 17

  1. What is the radius of the following graph?
    circle through the points (7, 5), (3, 9), (negative 1, 5) and (3, 1)

    Question 21

    1. The point of symmetry of this circle is (-3, -3).
      circle through the points (2, negative 3), (negative 3, 2), (negative 8, negative 3) and (negative 3, negative 8)

    Question 22

    1. What is the equation of the following graph?
      ellipse through the points (6, 0), (0, 2), (negative 6, 0) and (0, negative 2)

      x squared divided by 36 plus y squared divided by 4 equals 1
      x squared divided by 4 plus y squared divided by 36 equals 1
      x squared divided by 36 minus y squared divided by 4 equals 1
      x squared divided by 4 minus y squared divided by 36 equals 1

    Question 23

    1. What is the center of the following graph?
      ellipse through the points (1, negative 2), (0, 1), (negative 1, negative 2) and (0, negative 5)

    Question 24

    1. What are the vertices of the following graph?
      Imported Asset

    Question 25

    1. What is the equation of the following graph?
      ellipse through the points (6, 7), (5, 10), (4, 7) and (5, 4)

    Question 30

    1. What is the equation of the following graph?
      hyperbola with center at (0, 0), opening up and down, vertical axis has length 2 and horizontal axis has length 6

      y squared divided by 9 minus x squared divided by 1 equals 1
      x squared divided by 1 minus y squared divided by 9 equals 1
      x squared divided by 9 minus y squared divided by 1 equals 1
      y squared divided by 1 minus x squared divided by 9 equals 1

    Question 31

    1. What is the center of the following graph?
      hyperbola with center at (1, 2), opening right and left, vertical axis has length 4 and horizontal axis has length 10

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