2 Easy Humanities Discussions

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1) According to the New York Times, “Newspapers tend to signal the importance of an article or image by the prominence of its placement” (May 11, 2004). Examining the front page of a newspaper provides clues as to the worldview or cultural perspective of the news outlet. Why is a story or photograph placed on the front page? Why is another buried in a different section?

The Prompt
Respond to the following question in the discussion forum for this module located in the “Discussion Board” link in the “Communication” area of the course. The prompt is taken from Paul and Elder (2006).

For any given day, purchase (or find at your local library) three mainstream newspapers. Then analyze them to see how they differ and how they are similar (focusing on the front section). Consider these questions:

  1. To what extent do the three newspapers cover the same national news?
  2. To what extent do they cover the same international news?
  3. To what extent do they cover the same stories in the same or a similar way (in terms of placement and slant of the stories)? What differences do you notice? How can we account for those differences?
  4. To what extent do they bury stories that you feel are important enough to be on the front page?
  5. After completing your analysis, what do you conclude about how mainstream newspapers cover the news in your country?

Use the lecture notes, online readings, and textbook readings to help you complete this assignment.

Post your opening response to the question early in the assignment period so that others have time to respond to you.

A thoughtful opening response will be clear, precise, accurate, and in-depth.

For a top score, you must respond constructively to at least two other students. More extensive participation will be noted.



Every culture has its own worldview. This view is represented in its media, and critical consumers of the news media are aware of this bias inherent in all news reporting. This discussion forum gives you the opportunity to read the news from perspectives outside your own culture.

The Prompt
Using the links provided below, locate a news article from a foreign newspaper. Try to find an article on international news that you may already be familiar with (albeit from the American media perspective). For example, you should be able to find news on the war in Iraq. You might also look for stories that reveal another culture’s perspective on the Virginia Tech shootings, which have been reported worldwide. Or perhaps an article on climate change and global warming. The point here is to find an article representing a different world view on an event or situation that you are somewhat familiar with and have read about or heard about in the U.S. media.

Once you find your article, in your opening entry, do the following:

  1. Give the publication information: Title of the news source, country it originated in, title of the article.
  2. Write a brief a summary of the contents of the article.
  3. Explain how the event or situation is presented differently in the article from the reporting you have been exposed to in America. How is it different? Can you identify different perspectives? New information? A difference in what information is highlighted? Give examples.

News sources from other countries:

Post your opening responses to the question early in the assignment period so that others have time to respond to you.

A thoughtful opening response will be clear, precise, accurate, and in-depth.

For a top score, you must respond constructively to at least two other students. More extensive participation will be noted.

For more information about how to participate effectively in a discussion forum, please view the directions in the “How This Course Works” folder in “Getting Started.

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