200-250 words | Analyzing and Visualizing Data | Texas A&M University–Kingsville – Essaylink

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Welcome to your sixth week discussion.

The chart you select to represent your data will be influenced by many factors. Kirk (2016) has put each chart into the five main families below:

•             Categorical: Comparing categories and distributions of quantities values

•             Hierarchical: Charting part-to-whole relationships and hierarchies

•             Relational: Graphing relationships to explore correlations and connections

•             Temporal: Showing trends and activities over time

•             Spatial: Mapping spatial patterns through overlays and distortions

Select a chart type from the text and discuss what the chart is used for and why you selected it. (The author has included a lot of different chart types in our course book)

Please make sure you have an initial post (about 200 words) and a comment/post to one of your friends’ posts.

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