2018 California wild fires.

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You must prepare an article-length research paper on 2018 California wild fires relating to the concept of resilience with respect to planning and preparedness for disaster response and recovery. For your upcoming Research Paper assignment, you will declare your research topic relating to the concept of resilience with respect to planning and preparedness for disaster response and recovery. Also consider, creating portions of a continuity of operations (COOP) plan to cover contingencies for the complex disaster scenario affecting your organization, community, jurisdiction, or host country. Use any emergency preparedness plan as the basis for your design or evaluation of the continuity of operations plan. The length for the body of the paper should be approximately 10-12 pages (approximately 250-300 words per page, for a total of about 2,500-3,600 words), not including the Title Page, Table of Contents, Abstract, Tables, Appendixes (if any) and References. 12-pt Times New Roman font, 1” margins, double-spaced) APA citation style should be followed throughout the paper. Keep in mind that overall length is just one criterion; the major criterion is the quality of the content. Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate elements of the topic. Present the information clearly and logically in a well-documented research paper.You are expected to use scholarly publications in support of your topic (part of your research strategy). In other words, do not use search engines such as Google as your primary means to find sources. Do not rely on Wikipedia as a source. You must develop your paper using at least 10 high-quality references. Of the 10 or more references, you must rely on and cite a minimum of 3 scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles. The remaining 7 references must either be scholarly journal articles or come from other well-respected sources, such as government reports, think tank, or professional association publications or Web site. Limit the number of secondary sources such as online articles from newspapers, popular magazines, or trade journals. Also, limit informational web pages you use as sources to no more than two (2). Using simple web pages for research—even official web pages from government agencies—is not generally appropriate for graduate-level research papers, as these web pages seldom include authors, publication dates, or citations, and they are often brief and more informational than substantive. Also, avoid relying on vendor-provided information (unless, for example, you are comparing and contrasting vendors’ claims), and avoid the use of online encyclopedia or dictionaries. You must cite correctly and follow the standards in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) for in-text attribution of sources and for the reference list at the end. The contents and organization of the paper should include: • Title page • Abstract • Main body (see below) • List of References or Works Cited. Only a limited amount of material should be quoted, summarized, or paraphrased from sources. You are to provide original analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of information. End your paper with a meaningful conclusion section. Conclusions summarize your evaluation of the topic or show how you proved your thesis statement. Conclusions do not present new information.Thesis-California had faced the raging wildfires in 2018 and blamed the government for not taking stringent measures aimed at correcting such mistakes for the future. Effective solution of the problem comes from determining various factors that made the 2018 California wildfires more detrimental. The main issue has been surrounding the level of preparedness that the government has in place towards such disasters in the future. This proposal would thus determine some of the measures taken by the responsible authorities in reducing the effect of wildfires. This high number of dead trees acted as the main factor that led to the spread of fire to other neighborhoods. Reducing the number of dead trees in California that has been one of the actions that the government has been doing to minimize the effect of these fires in the future. This research will outline the philosophical basis of the research and the steps that will be undertaken to collect, analyze, and interpret data. My research methods would be using scholarly journals, resources from UMUC library and resources outside that are other journals and secondary sources. I can provide 4 sources but will need assistance in providing 6 more.

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