Lens Analysis

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Analyze your issue/event through the lens of history, and address the following:

•How does this issue/event interact with the history lens and impact social issues?
• In what ways does the history lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the global issue(s) that inform your issue/event?

Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the humanities by exploring the following questions:

•How is this issue/event portrayed creatively in global society? What is the message or commentary of this representation?

• How does this representation interact with you in your personal and professional lives?

Note: You are completing two separate analyses: one from the history and one from the humanities. You must submit two papers in a single Word document.

The following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Lens Analysis: In this section of your assignment, you will analyze your issue/event through two of the four general education lenses.

  A. Analyze your artifact through the lens of the history for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence from research to support

your analysis.

  B. Analyze your artifact through the lens of humanities for determining its impact on various institutions. Utilize evidence and research to support

your analysis.

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