5.2 Stereotypes Discussion

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I’m studying for my English class and need an explanation.

We are going to focus on Gender Stereotypes for this discussion.

Watch the attached videos “48 Things Women here in lifetime (That men just don’t)” and “48 Things Men here in a Lifetime That are Bad for Everyone”

Source: YouTube Video Source: YouTube Video

After viewing the videos comment to the discussion board on at least three of the questions below:

  • Video 1) What themes and common messages about gender norms and expectations do the girls, teens, young adults, and older women in the video state? How do the themes change or stay the same across the ages?
  • Video 2) What themes and common messages about gender norms and expectations do the boys, teens, young adults, and older men in the video state? How do the themes change or stay the same across the ages?
  • Video 1) How does this video show the cumulative impact of these kinds of everyday comments and interactions on girls and women?
  • Video 2) How does this video show the cumulative impact of these kinds of everyday comments and interactions on boys and men?
  • Both videos: Do you think people who make these kinds of everyday comments are aware of their potential impact? Does intentionality matter? Why or why not?
  • Either Video: Have you, yourself, ever been a victim of any of the types of comments heard in the video? And if so, how did that make you feel?
    • Respond to peers for bonus points!

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