A-Maze-Ing Multiples Multiplication facts lead the way through a number maze. – Essaylink

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A-Maze-Ing Multiples Multiplication facts lead the way through a number maze.


DIRECTIONS 1. Do students think they can find their way through the paths of a

maze? Explain to students that they will find numbers that are multiples of 4 to complete a multiple maze. Review the concept of a multiple: a number that is a product of some specified number and another number. Orally review with the class the multiples of 4, from 4 x 1 through 4 x 12. Then distribute reproducible page 38.

2. When students have completed the activity, review it together. Have volunteers read the numbers they followed in their path from Start to Finish. What generalizations can students come up with for finding the path? Is there more than one path to a solution? If numbers chosen as multiples are challenged, ask the student giving the number to verify with pictures or counters.

ASSESSMENT This activity is self-assessing. It takes 10 steps to get from

START to FINISH, and there is only one path to get there that consists of connected multiples of 4: 8, 20, 32, 28, 4, 12, 40, 48, 16, 36, 24.

VARIATION Students can make up their own multiplication mazes for multiples of other numbers.

EXTENSION Have students make a second path that will work by changing other numbers to multiples of 4.



Grouping Individual

You’ll Need

u A-Maze-Ing Multiples (reproducible page 38), one copy for each student

u Pencils

Multiplication and Division

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19 8 43 37 29 21

27 20 2 35 4 33

22 7 32 28 6 12

9 39 11 13 38 40

17 18 7 15 48 25

26 23 5 30 16 31

34 14 24 36 10 41



A-Maze-Ing Multiples How will you get from Start to Finish? Follow only the numbers that are multiples of 4.

Multiplication and Division

On the back of your paper, tell a friend how you solved the maze.>>>

50 +

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