a security baseline for Microsoft Server 2012, Microsoft Server 2016, Windows 10, Apple OS X, Apache Server or Samsung Android OS. – Essaylink

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On the Internet, use a search engine to find a security baseline for Microsoft Server 2012, Microsoft Server 2016, Windows 10, Apple OS X, Apache Server or Samsung Android OS.
(Note: Not all sources use the term “baseline.” Some references are listed on the assignments page.) In your report, list the title, the organization, and the URL. Briefly describe what is in the baseline. Explain how it should be used by organizations to secure specific systems. Include at least one recommendation you did not know about.

(Meaning of security baseline: Securing baselines are specifications for how to harden should be done)

Submission Requirements:
• Format: Microsoft Word APA STYLE
• Font: Times New Roman, 12-point, Double-spaced
• Citation Style: APA
• Length: 2 pages (550 words)
Dear writer,
Please read through the following carefully.
This is a Two-pages essay format assignment (550 words = tow- pages)
Also, pictures, diagram, in-text citation are not counted as word count.
Check punctuations, spelling, grammar, and avoid using repeat words.). Please use proper citation.
Supplemental Readings:
• Center for Internet Security Benchmarks
• DISA Information Assurance Support Environment (IASE), Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGS)
• NIST SP 800-70 Rev. 4 National Checklist Program for IT Products: Guidelines for Checklist Users and Developers and National Checklist Program Repository
Please see the links for each of the supplemental readings below:

CIS Benchmarks

Homepage – COVID-19

Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs)


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