ACCT-405: Accounting of financial instit

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I’m working on a Accounting question and need guidance to help me study.

  • What do you mean securitization? Is there any accounting disclosures for securitization in the context of Local accounting standards? What are the motivations for and alternatives to securitization? Also, discuss the fair value concept of transferor’s journal entry for a transfer of financial assets in your own words.
  • Pass a journal entries in the books of lease contract by creating lease receivable at its net investment in which is equal to the minimum lease payments discounted at the rate of interest implicit in the lease.
  • Pass a journal entries in the in recognition of both an asset and a liability in the books of the lessee at the inception of the lease at amount equal to present value of minimum lease payments.
  • Journalize the transactions in the books of lessor and lessee if the lease meets the criteria for recognition as an operating lease instead of a finance lease.


Ryan, S. G. (2007). Financial instruments and institutions: Accounting and disclosure rules (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Son. ISBN: 978-0470040379 (print); ISBN: 9780470139578 (E-book).

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