Although Buddhism is able to change, adapt, and be adopted by other cultures and lifestyles, with all these changes, do you think that the original meaning of Buddhism taught by the Buddha himself can be lost or even die? Does the original meaning even ma

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CHICAGO style!! (very important)

This is a sample Chicago style paper.

At least two sources, (one journal article from the website,, and another source will be from the book,

Sandving, Kirk, The Buddhism Course Reader- Rel_S 338. (2nd Edition). Polymath Learning. 2018. pages 130-170


Hanh, Thich Nhat, The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching, Parallax Press, 1998. pages 184-213

500 to 600 words.

work cited.

The prompt is:

Although Buddhism is able to change, adapt, and be adopted by other cultures and lifestyles, with all these changes, do you think that the original meaning of Buddhism taught by the Buddha himself can be lost or even die? Does the original meaning even matter if it loses its relevancy?

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