Analyse the mechanisms and the dynamics that determine forms of disciplinary power within organisations. – Essaylink

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Students need to answer two of the three questions. Each mini-essay should be 1,000 words long and students should write a total of 2,000 words.

The student can answer:

1. Critically evaluate whether the quality of work and employment is better under human relations management than scientific management. Justify your answer with references to the academic literature and business practice.

2. Analyse the mechanisms and the dynamics that determine forms of disciplinary power within organisations. Your answer should focus on a real-life organisation of your choice.

3. Discuss the career aspirations and trajectories of young women and men in a sector of your own choice. Your answer should describe how intersectionality helps to articulate both experiences of oppressions and privileges in relation to your chosen context.

The marking criteria for the essay is as follow:

Comprehensiveness and accuracy of presenting the CMS literature and the organisation and the structure in presenting the key arguments and findings in answering the question
Critical analysis of the CMS literature based on own ideas and practical examples in answering the question
The relevance of the real-life example or examples chosen in answering the question
Presentational qualities of the Paper – citations, bibliography, paragraphing, spacing, spelling, Quotations etc.

All criteria are equally weighted.
Extra help:
Acknowledgement of critical/mainstream theories and frameworks about business and management
In text citations to illustrate reading (Name, Year) is great
Extra reading beyond the compulsory articles and recommend readings.
Understanding the implication of critical/mainstream theories and frameworks in relation to society, businesses and individuals
Practical examples taken from the slides, wider reading or background knowledge

Knowledge of the advantages or disadvantages of the critical/mainstream theories and frameworks
Compare and contrast in order to set-up a debate
Identify areas of conflict or contradiction
Formulate a judgement based upon your analysis
Do not leave evaluation until your conclusion and have it throughout your essay
Set up a debate which may involve: 1) Critiquing the question; 2) Establishing some sort of hierarchy (most important); 3) Specifying a quantity of importance
List of journals that publish critically included articles:
Organization studies
Human relations
Work, employment & society
Journal of management studies
Scandinavian journal of management
Economy & society
Capital and class

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