Animal Personality

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1 ESSAY ON ANIMAL PERSONALITY 1. Is personality only human or do animals have personality? Explain your answer. (This may be your own thoughts) 2. What has research found about animal personality? Must include illustrations. (This should come from research) 3. Give two personal examples about animal personality (not from the internet), with illustrations, incidents, or stories about these animals. They can be your own pets, or family or friends’ pets, but they must be two different situations (two different pets). Must include these source on the citation page. • Paper must be typed using New Times Roman, 12 font or similar • Use APA writing style (if you are not familiar with this, I am attaching a link to an APA writing style video) • Must be at least 5 complete pages long (it may be longer) • Must use at least three sources (including your personal examples) • Need a citation page, but not a cover page • Be sure to acknowledge all topics or points mentioned in the instructions • Use correct grammar and spelling (use your spell-check) • Information needed on your essay paper: NAME, DATE, COURSE NUMBER & SECTION, AND DESCRIPTION (“Animal Personality”) If you don’t understand the instructions, are unsure, or have questions, you are welcome to email me and I will do my best to help you. APA Format and Citations Sixth (6th) Edition Writing style video:

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