anthro questions

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I’m stuck on a Biology question and need an explanation.


1) Explain adaptation by natural selection using at least one example from our course or an outside source. Why is natural selection crucial to scientists’ understanding of evolution?


2) Describe the known sources of genetic variation, providing an example of each. Why is genetic variation central to the evolutionary process?

Please note: You are not required to consult outside sources, but if you do, you must cite them and put all direct quotations in quotation marks.

Part 2


  • Go to the website:
  • You may need to accept pop-ups to download adobe flash drive and view the videos. You will likely need access to a computer to complete this assignment.
  • Explore the six-part section, “Human Variation,” and any other sections you wish.


Using what you learned from the website answer both questions one and two in your own words. Be as specific and thorough as possible.

You must cite all of your sources and put direct quotes in quotation marks.

Question One

As you know, most current-day anthropologists contend that race is not a scientifically viable way of categorizing humans. Explain their reasoning. (suggested length: one-two typed, double-spaced pages)

Question Two

What do you think of the anthropological perspective on race? What surprised and/or intrigued you most? Explain why. What, if any, questions or concerns do you have? (suggested length: two-three paragraphs)


After completing the assignment on Race(part 2), please answer the following questions in your own words. Be as thorough and precise as possible. Be sure to define all scientific terms.

What do you think of the anthropological perspective on race? What surprised and/or intrigued you most as you explored the interactive website, powerpoint, and/or optional reading/viewing? Explain why. What, if any, questions or concerns do you have?



1) Go to the website:

2) Watch all five parts (i.e., Prologue, Evidence, Anatomy, Lineages, Culture) of the Interactive Video.(Click on the arrow in the middle of the page next to “Launch the Video” to get started. Transcripts of the video are available by clicking on the link at the top of the home page.)

3) For “Evidence,” “Anatomy,” “Lineages,” and “Culture” write an original paragraph or two, summarizing what you learned. Do not copy from any source. Put quotes around any exact quotations you use. Number each summary 1 to 4 to correspond to the four parts.

4) Explore at least one other feature on the website and write a short summary of what you learned.Number this summary “5” and clearly identify the feature (e.g., Related Exhibit in Evidence, “Finding Fossils”; “Chromosome Connection” in the Learning Center).

You must cite all sources you consult and put all quotes in quotation marks.

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