AOJ 206 Discussion easy English not high words

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I need an explanation for this Law question to help me study.

Review the clip from “60 Minutes”, “Stop Snitchin (Links to an external site.)

Read the article: Lewis, K (2015, March) When Rap Music is A Crime. The Atlantic (Links to an external site.)

  1. Provide a brief synopsis and your thoughts about the video and article.
  2. Do you think pop culture (music, television, music) has any role or influence in encouraging criminal conduct? Explain your thoughts.
  3. The media clip and article reference rap music. Do you believe rap music or any other type of musical genre of music encourage the exploitation of women and give a “thumbs-up” to crimes against women (e.g., prostitution, pimping).
  4. Can pop culture impact police investigations and relations with the community? How?
  5. What options do investigators have and what can the police do to combat this challenge? Can they do anything? Should they do anything? What is the real problem?
  6. Is the problem snitchin’ or is it something else entirely, like the police lacking legitimacy in these neighborhoods?

Make sure to use proper APA formatting to cite your work if applicable.

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