Art 100 . Discussion. You need to take pictures in your phone not from internet and I will give you some example total of 36 pictures

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I’m studying and need help with a Art & Design question to help me learn.

ART EXPERIENCE/IMAGE SCAVENGER HUNT: Choose TWO of the categories above – take your OWN photographs (not from the internet), and create your own “tiled image” with images of the same theme.

  1. Look to the chapter images for examples of what to look for in your daily life (not an internet search)
  2. Do not take photos of nature- you are taking photos of artworks that are using Ch 13 and Ch 14’s themes. Again, no photos of nature. Photos of artworks around you, that use the themes.

After you have collected at least 18 examples, make a visual diary (tile images) of all you have found. One tile per theme. Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “tiled pictures”. Each “tiled image” should have a several photos, that are all describing the same theme.


  1. Again, no images from the internet. They MUST be from real life, and photos that YOU took.
  2. Display images in a tiled format
  3. Explain how the images of artworks are related to Ch 13 and Ch 14 themes.

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