ask a ques related to the reading about feminism art 2-5 sentence

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I don’t know how to handle this History question and need guidance.

Start by thinking of the various racial (and/or gender) stereotypes and prejudices you have experienced either first hand, witnessed, seen through media sources, etc. Think of how these made you feel, and what your response was, if any, at the time you experienced them. If you are feeling brave, you might also consider times that you’ve caught yourself believing/uttering something that is based upon a problematic stereotype or prejudice. For this discussion forum, first relate your experience of a racial/gender stereotype. Pick an experience that you are comfortable sharing with others. Then, having thought about the artists’ works and strategies and the reading this week, propose a response that might confront stereotypes/prejudices and provide one way to combat their effects. (RELATE TO THE READING) Offer a rationale for your proposal.

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