Assignment: “Edelman: Chapter 4: The Criminalization of Mental Illness”

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I’m working on a Sociology question and need guidance to help me study.

Assignment: From; “Edelman “Not A Crime To Be Poor.”

1: Read: Chapter 4: “The Criminalization of Mental Illness”

2: (APA – 2; Double Spaced Paged! Due, Sept. 27, 2019.)

  1. Read Ch. 4: EDELMAN: “The Criminalization of Mental Illness”. Due 9/27 by 11:00 am. In 2 double-spaced pages, A) Identify 2 important findings or main points the author discusses in the reading, B) Why are these two findings important to the wider society as a whole/what are the implications of these findings? C) One concept you’d like to question the author about or would like to know more about.
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Check out upload Please: From Page pp: 63 – pp: 81

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