Book Review of Mirror on the Veil:

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 Book Review of Mirror on the Veil


Paper details:

Instructions for Book Review of Mirror on the Veil: • Part I (1-2 pages): Explain your understanding of veiling and hijab prior to reading the book. Then summarize what you have learned about the history and significance of veiling. What concepts in The Psychology of Women were reflected in the experiences you read about in Mirror on the Veil? • Part II (3-4 pages): Write a reflection paper that focuses on the 5 essays that had the most effect on you. There are 5 overarching themes/sections in the book. You must choose one essay from each theme. Summarize the main ideas of each of the 5 essays and your reactions to each essay. Your book review should be approximately 4-6 pages long. Please use Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced. Proper APA style referencing is expected for ALL sources. The library has copies of the APA Publication Manual and a very useful website

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