BUDWEISER — Marketing Plan: Product Identification and SWOT Analysis

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I’m studying for my Marketing class and need an explanation.

Marketing Plan: Product Identification and SWOT Analysis


How to Do it

Your document should contain paragraphs that cover the following topics:

  • A description of your selected company/brand
  • The core products/services they offer
  • A brief history
  • Key current competitors
  • A SWOT analysis
  • The product or service line you want to develop a marketing plan for and a SWOT based argument for why it warrants marketing investment

Please see our sample situational analysis (completed for McDonald’s) for more details, including minimum lengths by topic.

What Should I Market?

The focus of your marketing plan can be a new product/service idea of your own or an existing product/service that you think deserves its own dedicated campaign. Just don’t pick something that you’ve already seen being actively marketed.

For example, after completing a SWOT analysis for McDonald’s, one might propose marketing new concepts like a McVeggie burger or an adult happy meal. Further afield, one might propose a whole new chain of pay to visit indoor McPlayground Centers. Or, relative to existing offerings, one might suggest a dedicated marketing campaign for say “burgers at breakfast” or after midnight snacking via the drive thru.

Lean about your brand and then let your imagination run wild. It can be a big idea that will appeal to many of their customers or a very targeted effort. You decide.

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