Read three news articles intended for a general audience reporting the results from correlational studies – Essaylink

you will read three news articles intended for a general audience  reporting the results from correlational studies. You can find the links  to these articles under your weekly resources. For each of the  articles, you will answer the following questions and provide  justifications for your answers:

  • Provide a brief summary of the topic of the article.
  • Determine which variables are the focus of the research.
  • Describe how the results of the correlational analyses are presented.
  • Does the author of the article present the results as causal? In  other words, does the author make statements that one variable causes  the other?
  • Can you think of any additional variables that were not included in  this study that may be important to consider?  Please describe the  variables.
  • Based on what you know about correlational research, does it make  sense to make lifestyle changes based on the research presented in this  article? Please explain your answer.
  • Use one of the news articles to locate, and then read the primary . Did the news article accurately  represent the research conducted? Please explain your answer.

Length:4-5 pages

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Katharine Becks- DB 5 Human Resources – Essaylink

Assignment #1


Paper should be two pages long using the references below.

Short discussion Prompts: 1. Stanford Business article with video Why Companies No Longer Reward Loyal Employees Link (Links to an external site.) SHRM article: Total Reward Trends for the Next Five Years-SHRM Link (Links to an external site.) Blog Millennials and Compensation Link (Links to an external site.) Synthesize your thinking and discuss your most important takeaways. Please illustrate your thinking with workplace experience/observations and post in the manner required for this course.

Assignment #2

Essays: Read the linked NY Times article “The Gender Pay Gap is Largely Because of Motherhood” Link (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Write a 250-word reflective essay. Specific workplace example(s) will enhance the quality of the essay.

Assignment #3

View the Ted video: “A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success” Link (Links to an external site.)

Relating this message to your own career observations and experiences–what are your major takeaways? Express your thoughts in a 250-word essay.

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Leadership Context – Essaylink

Assessment 1 – Leadership Context – Essay
This document contains the details for Assessment 1 for BUMGT5970 Leadership. Included are aspects such as:
• The assessment overview and report structure;
• How the assessment is to be formatted; and
• How it will be assessed by using an Assessment Criteria Sheet.
You should read this along with the Course Description, which includes information on due dates, submission, etc. If you are not clear on any aspect, please speak with your lecturer who will be happy to answer your questions.
Overview of the Assignment
You are required to demonstrate your understanding of leadership theory and leadership approaches as we have covered in activities and material in class.
For assessment 1, consider the roles and situations, and the leadership behaviours that might be required, in the table below. Choose two scenarios from the list below and write up to 750 words (per topic, that is 1500 words in total) on how leadership might be exercised and what are the contextual factors that are relevant. Your arguments should be informed by at least four (4) academic articles related to your chosen scenarios.
The scenarios you may choose from:
•The CEO of a multinational firm
•Leading an inner city street gang
•Conducting a symphony orchestra
•A sports coach
•In an emergency rescue squad
•In a Hollywood film cast and crew
•In a hospital emergency room
•A Prime Minister/President
•On a battlefield
•A social worker in an aged care home •A diplomat •A prison guard
•A supervisor on a construction site
•In a sales presentation
•After an earthquake
•During a meeting where a person is informed he/she has been fired.
•In a heart-to-heart talk among close friends
•In a rock group
•A maitre d’ in a restaurant
•In a fundraising campaign
Essay Structure
Use the following structure to organise your essay:
Title page 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Leadership scenarios 2.1 Scenario 1 2.2 Scenario 2 3.0 Conclusion References
General Formatting Requirements for the Report
For those students who are unfamiliar or do not feel confident with academic writing, there are many sources on the Federation University and Library websites. The formatting of assignments should adhere to the following requirements:
• Essay format
• Follow the headings outlined under the Assignment Instructions section
• Use a Title page containing all of the relevant information
• Correct page numbering (e.g., the Title Page is not numbered. The body of the report starting with the Introduction is numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.)
• Do not write in the first or second person (I, we, our)—write in the third person only
• Proof-read before submission for spelling, grammatical and logic errors
• Fonts should be plain and easy to read (e.g., Tahoma, Arial, Times New Roman)
• Font size is typically between 10 and 12 for the body of the assignment
• Paragraphs are to be fully justified
• Paragraph spacing typically uses one space before and after a paragraph
• Any tables and diagrams used should be labelled (they do not form part of the word count)
• APA referencing style to be used (information on this can be found at the following link:
Assessment Criteria Sheet
BUMKT5902 Marketing Management
Assessment 1 – Leadership Context Essay
Criteria Weight F (0-49) P (50-59) C (60-69) D (70-79) HD (80+)
Scenario 1:
Knowledge /
Literature /
Theory /
Concepts 30% Little or no attempt to demonstrate knowledge of core concepts. Arguments are flawed and there are limited connections made with the topic selected. Demonstrates a superficial knowledge of core concepts.
Analysis tends to be descriptive only. Provides some connections into the topics selected. Demonstrates an adequate level of knowledge of core concepts by providing an acceptable level of analysis. Student shows some attempt to synthesise into the topics selected. Demonstrates a balanced and very high level of knowledge of core concepts by providing a thorough level of analysis. Student provides convincing synthesis into the topics selected. Demonstrates a balanced and comprehensive knowledge of core concepts by providing an exceptional level of analysis. Student provides insightful synthesis into the topics selected.
Scenario 2:
Knowledge /
Literature /
Theory /
Concepts 30% Little or no attempt to demonstrate knowledge of core concepts. Arguments are flawed and there are limited connections made with the topic selected. Demonstrates a superficial knowledge of core concepts.
Analysis tends to be descriptive only. Provides some connections into the topics selected. Demonstrates an adequate level of knowledge of core concepts by providing an acceptable level of analysis. Student shows some attempt to synthesise into the topics selected. Demonstrates a balanced and very high level of knowledge of core concepts by providing a thorough level of analysis. Student provides convincing synthesis into the topics selected. Demonstrates a balanced and comprehensive knowledge of core concepts by providing an exceptional level of analysis. Student provides insightful synthesis into the topics selected.
Structure and organisation of writing 20% There is little or no organisation, lacking structure, paragraphing, etc. Some organisation present but logic/arguments lack clarity and/or conciseness Organisation is present, there may be some inconsistencies with organisation and structure of logic/arguments but generally easy to follow; writing is mostly clear but
parts may lack conciseness Writing is generally well organised, structure includes introduction, body and conclusion and most logic/arguments are easy to follow; writing is mostly clear and generally easy to follow Writing is coherently organised, introduction, body and conclusion are sophisticated, and the logic/arguments are easy to follow; writing is clear, concise and persuasive.
Use of references to support arguments 20% Limited or no ability to use relevant resources and/or support arguments. Reference style nonexistent. Occasionally uses relevant resources to support arguments. Minimal attempts to follow the reference style guide. Relevant resources are used to support arguments most of the time. Attempts to follow the reference style guides. Relevant resources are used to support arguments throughout. Reference style guides generally adhered to. Relevant resources are expertly used to support arguments throughout. Reference style guides completely adhered to.

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Childhood Vaccination Uptake within the Orthodox Jewish Community in Hackney, London; a Health Needs Assessment – Essaylink

The Assessment is based on a health needs assessment (HNA) for a particular population in a chosen local area. The coursework requires you to identify, examine and analyse the health needs of a particular population in relation to relevant health determinants and current healthcare service provision within a particular area (local authority) and then critique a resultant health needs assessment. Interpret and discuss the health needs and current service provision, using these as the evidence-base for drawing local area priorities and recommendations for intervention service design, planning, development, delivery, monitoring and evaluation in relation to the health needs of the respective population. Whilst you develop your work from existing HNA and public health reports, think of your work as the latest and most updated evidence-based HNA report prepared for (or required by) commissioners in the local area to commission healthcare services for the chosen population. In the Report, you should clearly underline the health needs of the chosen population and through your suggested priorities and recommendations for service provision, show how these should be met. Your priorities and recommendations should take into account that your Report is to be considered as the latest HNA for the chosen population in the chosen local area. Therefore, this should also take into consideration the challenges facing the local authority and how these can be negotiated in order to implement your HNA more effectively in the local area in relation to the chosen population. As such, the Report priorities and recommendations provide the base for a comprehensive discussion on ″how to make it happen″.

The Report should clearly discuss the epidemiologic context of health problem/s and the health needs of the chosen population including the current service provision and utilisation by the population. This should underline and discuss clearly the health inequalities that exist and their determinants in relation to the chosen population. Think of what should be the local priorities for commissioners and other local area stakeholders with interest in the HNA in relation to the chosen population. Thus, the Report′s recommendations should show how the local area priorities can be achieved. Your work should present at least four clear and key parts: account of the local area, the problem (the health needs), the current service provision and utilisation, and the future local priorities for service provision and utilisation (‘how to make it happen’). Think of your work as the latest (most updated) HNA report on the health problem and population you are studying in the chosen local authority.

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You are an SCM for Acme Co., and the plant director wants to ensure that there will be sufficient logistic support for the anticipated production schedule – Essaylink

Case Analysis Scenario and Questions

You are an SCM for Acme Co., and the plant director wants to ensure that there will be sufficient logistic support for the anticipated production schedule. A key question for the plant director is “Will I be able to meet the production requirement of the anticipated market demand given my capacity?” The plant accountant is also concerned about profit given the rising cost of materials and shipping costs. Some of the key questions on the plant accountant’s mind are “What will this production run cost so that I can ensure that we have adequate cash flows?” and “What will our profit be given our product mix and shipping costs?” Use the accompanying case study data sheet for the underlying data. In order to answer their concerns, answer the following questions:


  1. Senior management feels that the company can expand further in the market but that its sales force needs to focus on more than just taking orders from the customers. The customer service representatives must understand the bigger picture of the service outputs that their firm provides for their customers. Identify the four key service outputs associated with the supply chain, and describe them in relation to this company.


  1. As the supply chain manager, your task is to integrate the many functions within the field of logistics into a cohesive, effective, and efficient operation. However, in order to do this, you must keep in mind the objectives of logistics integration in the first place. Identify and describe the six key objectives of logistics integration.


  1. The accountant was going over last fiscal year’s sales to calculate profit and is interested in December through March. In February and March, backorder spare parts necessitated that the metals were outsourced. What was the pre-shipping profit for those months?


  1. Calculate the projected transportation costs for the firm for next year. Assume that the products were shipped in equal amounts to the two distributors. Assume also that the average sales for the four months given will be the average for the entire year.
  1. All sales that are covered under a warranty require the firm to keep a certain level of cash for warranty liability or reserves. This is based on the sales and percentage of the products estimated to fail. What is the warranty liability for all the bicycles estimated to be sold during next December?


  1. The marketing director stated that the distributor in Colorado got a call for 150 Scorpion bicycles last month. There were 30 Scorpions in transit. They had 110 on the shelf to sell. What was the fill rate for that item at that location?


  1. A logistics manager must consider various factors before deciding on what mode of transportation to use. What are the five factors to consider before making this decision?


  1. Senior management is considering building a new warehouse, but they are not familiar with the various means to design a warehouse for basic handling considerations. Define and describe the four basic designs for package handling for senior management.


  1. You notice that the inventory of metals is being consumed more rapidly than planned. If you run short of the metal stock, you can order your metals from your outsource supplier. For which of the three bicycle types would you outsource the metals as a last resort and why?


  1. Due to a snowstorm in the region, incoming supplies are in danger of exhausting the current inventory. If supplies got low, which product would you first cut production on so as to conserve your inventory? What would be your last product to cut? How would you make that decision?


  1. You just received the production plan for December through March, based on the sales projections. Do you see any problems with this production schedule? Assume that the current inventory will be exhausted by the end of the month.


  1. One of the key indicators of success in inventory management is inventory turn. Calculate the inventory turn for the front safety reflectors (each bike has one). The average annual sales have been 5,500, and the average inventory level for the reflectors has been 500.


  1. Stockouts are a serious concern for all inventory managers. In order to prevent stockouts, each item in the inventory has a reorder point. Calculate the reorder point for the brake pads.


  1. There is a cost to the ordering process, and determining the quantity to order each time requires that several factors are taken into consideration. Determine the EOQ for the brake pads.


  1. Selecting a proper order selection method is an essential first step for a warehouse manager. If Acme Co. wanted to ensure it segregated its finished goods inventory for its specific customers, what order selection technique should it use?


  1. The Components Workshop is reconsidering its batch sizing. It wants to estimate the best lot size for the upcoming production year. The estimate for the annual demand will be based on 9 times the average of the 4 months of the Projected Sales in the Data Sheet, due to the exceptionally high demand in December. What is EPQ for the upcoming year’s production run? (Use the video Production Planning: EPQ Example to assist you with completing this problem).
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Dialogical Reading – Essaylink


In the final report, the candidates should analyze the video and recognize the importance of ELLs’ home languages and language varieties, and build on these skills as a foundation for learning English. The candidate clearly understands and applies current theories of second language acquisition to differentiate instruction for English language learners of diverse backgrounds and various levels of prior education during dialogic reading. Answer in about 2-3 power point slides

Dialogic Reading video:

Link to story:

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Does it matter if company managers engage in creative accounting: What are the consequences of creative accounting? – Essaylink

You are required to undertake a structured critical review of the creative accounting literature


You are required to undertake a structured critical review of the creative accounting literature and to address the following issues:

  • How do managers indulge in creative accounting? Your answer should provide a structured overview of approaches plus one in-depth analysis of a creative accounting issue evident in practice.
  • To what extent do accounting theories explain the incentives for management to engage in creative accounting?
  • Does it matter if company managers engage in creative accounting: What are the consequences of creative accounting?


Initial Reading List

Remenarić, B., Kenfelja, I. and Mijoč, I. (2018). “Creative accounting – Motives, techniques and possibilities of prevention”, Econview, XXX1, pp. 193-199 (a pdf is available on the moodle site)

Jones, M. (2010). Creative Accounting, Fraud and International Accounting Scandals, Wiley Financial Series. (Available as an e-book in the library).

Shah, A.K. (1998) “Exploring the influences and constraints on creative accounting in the United Kingdom”, European Accounting Review, Vol.7 No.1, pp.83-104.

Stolowy, H. and Breton, G. (2004), “Accounts Manipulation: A Literature Review and Proposed Conceptual Framework”, Review of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 5-92.



You are not limited to the suggested reading and are encouraged to undertake your own further reading in this area. At Masters level you are expected to read widely with a strong emphasis on high quality journals. Given that this is a 4000 word review you are expected to use a minimum of 15 sources for this coursework (including those listed above).  Your work can build on your first assignment.



It is expected at this level that referencing will be complete and accurate, using the Harvard method. Guides to using the Harvard method are available on the library website ‘Cite them Right’:


The university’s Upgrade service also provides some online guidance on paraphrasing, how to avoid plagiarism, write critically and other aspects of assignment writing:


The service is available for personal consultation:


If you are still in doubt about referencing or any aspect of your writing, please consult your module leader.


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Report #5: The Draft in the United States – Essaylink

Report #5: The Draft in the United States

After reading Chapter 18 of your text (“National Security Policymaking”) and watching the PBS documentary The Draft (link to the video below, it is about an hour long), write a brief report. The report should contain three separate sections that address all the points in each question. Notice the expected word count for each section (exceeding the word count will not negatively affect your grade, but please try to stay within the range).

1. Describe the use of mandatory military service over the course of U.S. history. Indicate some points in time where significant changes were made to policies regarding required military service. (approximately 200-250 words)

2. Indicate what you believe are some of the more convincing arguments for why the U.S. should require individuals to serve in the military. (approximately 150-200 words)

3. Indicate what you believe are some of the more convincing arguments against a mandatory draft. (approximately 150-200 words)

Be careful not to plagiarize. If you want to quote directly from the documentary, do so by using quotation marks. But try to do this sparingly and simply use your own words in addressing the questions.

In your writing, use an analytical tone in which you address the questions in a straightforward and objective manner.

Link to the video: The Draft

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China monitoring and censoring information related to the Coronavirus through its communication apps, especially WeChat. – Essaylink

Report Issue

 comment this 2 article (50 words for each comments)


The topic I researched was China’s monitoring and censoring information related to the Coronavirus through its communication apps, especially WeChat.

China does not have access to all the communication apps we have in the western world, but the government provides similar applications to its people.  However, the catch is the government monitors all activity on these apps between its people.  It can search for key-terms and even has a blacklist where it censors information related to those key-terms.  At the beginning of this year (2020), the government knew something was happening in the Wuhan region of China where the outbreak started and it added many phrases and key-terms to its blacklist.  The most well known example of this was the fact that they censored and arrested the doctor who started talking about it that later died from the disease.

One of the articles I posted mentioned that this outbreak was so bad that it was impossible to block all communication related to the virus despite its attempts, but much communication was still stopped.

The ethical question this brings up to me is “If communication had not been blocked and information not been blocked related to this outbreak, would the world have been better prepared and lives been saved?”  Also, “Is it ethical to block information related to outbreaks and critical medical information?”

I would argue to the first question, that yes.  The Chinese Government had an ethical and moral responsibility to notify people as soon as something odd detected, and that people lost lives because of the censorship.

To the 2nd question I would say that it is not ethical to block information about outbreaks and critical medical information related to the outbreak.  The only reason it would be potentially to block some information is if releasing the information would cause a panic that would cause more harm than the virus itself.  However, it seems that by blocking the information more harm was done than if they had reported it.

In summary, the blocking and censoring of information with regards to outbreaks and medical information about outbreaks is not ethical and those who have said information have a moral responsibility to report the information to the people and the world.


If one were to look up “censorship” on the internet today, chances are they would quickly find references to Chinese censorship and information control. Censorship is a theme across many media, and often it is used as a means of brainwashing the population.

This censorship has brought to light ethical concerns in the US where censorship is frowned upon. Should American Internet and high-tech companies adhere to Chinese censorship restrictions? Is it right to provide an unfiltered version of software for those who are given the right to learn what they want and also a filtered version for the oppressed?

I believe that supporting or yielding to the idea of censorship is immoral. The case of supporting Chinese censorship by providing censored software is putting profits before morals. ISP companies have argued that it is better for Chinese citizens to have something rather than nothing, but in the end they are only being shown what the government deems worthy of being shown.

Employees at Google have been protesting the censored Chinese Google app. Google has an artificial intelligence ethical code that states that the company will not deploy or build technologies “whose purpose contravenes widely accepted principles of international law and human rights.” However, this ethical code seems to have been forgotten when this app was being developed in secret by less than a hundred employees out of the 88,000 working at Google.

Once again, I believe allowing and supporting censorship by making software that is designed to be censored is morally and ethically wrong. Censorship is scary, and supporting it in any way can potentially bring it into normalcy.

Sources: (Links to an external site.) 

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position in the Apple Valley School district-describes the work of two learning theorists and how you might apply the work of each theorist to the position you are seekin – Essaylink

You are applying for a position in the Apple Valley School district and know that there are several other applicants vying for the position. The district prides itself on employing teachers who not only understand how children learn but can apply theory to practice.
As part of the application process you have been asked to write an essay (3-4 pages) that describes the work of two learning theorists and how you might apply the work of each theorist to the position you are seeking. The district has informed you that they are assessing your knowledge of learning theory as well as your writing skills.
In the essay you need to do the following:
A. Describe the work of two learning theorists
B. Provide four or more examples of how you would apply each theory to the position you are seeking
*Remember to begin your essay with an introduction and end with a conclusion.
*Papers must follow current APA formatting guidelines for the title page, headings, citations, references and pagination and should be free of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.
*See the scoring rubric for specific criteria

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