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Chapter 5: Motivation of Personnel—Select One Discussion Question Below

    1. It is often said that criminal justice employees are unmotivated. Comment on this assertion and discuss possible ways in which the motivational levels of criminal justice workers can be raised. In addition, examine what you believe to be the role of criminal justice managers in the motivation of subordinates.
    2. Discuss the differences between the human relations school and the behavioral school of management. The debate which school criminal justice organizations typically lean on and why..
    3. Invite a police chief to class to discuss specific strategies he or she employs to motivate officers. Examine these strategies and identify their positive and negative aspects. Finally, discuss approaches you think will improve the motivation of police officers.
    4. Examine quality circle programs and MBO models in criminal justice organizations. What are both the prospects for any problems with these types of programs in criminal justice? Go to the library and review the recent literature on the effectiveness of these programs in both private and public organizations. Discuss with the class how you think these types of programs would benefit the various organizations of criminal justice.
    5. Discuss how private organizations differ from public organizations in terms of motivational tools. Recall that private organizations have the incentive of financial bonuses that are difficult for criminal justice agencies to generate.

Chapter 6: Job Design—Select One Discussion Question Below

  1. The argument has been made that scientific management has been influential in criminal justice and that, as managers have become more advanced professionally, frontline criminal justice jobs have become more impoverished. How would you suggest that jobs, such as those on probation and parole, be designed to provide for enrichment opportunities while still utilizing risk-assessment instruments, electronic monitors, and other technological advances? Is the deprofessionalization syndrome an inevitable consequence of improvements in the technology of criminal justice?
  2. Consider a specific job within the criminal justice system. What characteristics of that job are sources of motivation, and what characteristics may lead to dissatisfaction or burnout? How would you redesign the job to emphasize the first set of characteristics and deemphasize the others? Do you think others would agree, or are there important individual differences to take into account?
  3. Examine the job characteristics model of Hackman and Oldham. How well does that model account for motivation in criminal justice workers? Describe the core job characteristics of a particular job. How do they relate to important psychological states? What specific kinds of knowledge and skills, needs for growth, and satisfaction with pay and working conditions can influence the outcomes of your particular job? There is some disagreement about the importance of participation in the redesign and enrichment of human services jobs. Do you feel that such participation by frontline staff is desirable? What level of participation do you support? What benefits and problems might be associated with worker participation in job design in criminal justice?
  4. Examine the concept of a “new criminal justice”. Discuss why a concept that necessitates the involvement of the entire community may be difficult to implement. Using Project Safe Neighborhoods as an example. What might communities like and dislike about such programs?

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