Communications: Outline Help

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Prepare a detailed outline for Speech 1 using the template below. This does not mean writing your entire speech, but only writing the topic sentence for the three to five supporting points that prove your thesis. Include a thesis statement that contains the claim or prediction you will prove or illustrate (which is usually spoken); a purpose statement, indicating if you are persuading or informing the audience and the response from the audience you wish to achieve (which is not usually spoken); an introduction; a body, including supporting evidence; transitions; and a conclusion. When you use outside sources in creating your speech, include them in the speech with a short spoken citation and provide a bibliography in APA format on the outline.  Your Speech 3 Outline is over Speech 3, which is a 4 to 6 minute (closer to 6 minutes than to 4) speech in which you seek to persuade the audience to take some action or change some behavior or way of thinking. This argument is based on research, not on opinion, values, or beliefs. The essence of this speech is meant to cause the audience to respond in some way.  Describe to the audience the significance of this research evidence and explain how an analysis of it leads to the proof of your thesis. This speech requires the use of research and outside sources in creating your speech; include them in a bibliography as well as citing them in the outline and subsequent speech. Using at least two sources is required. Please use APA format for your citations in your outline.   Topic: Living Together Before Marriage. Must use template attached. Due by 11:55 pm Eastern Time. 

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