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Imagine that you are currently working in the lifespan management industry, and you have been asked to help with a community education initiative. More specifically, you have been asked to write various pieces for different publications regarding lifespan management. For your first task, you have been asked to contribute to your local community newsletter. The newsletter will focus on health care, and you have been asked to write about viewpoints on aging from birth through death.

Write a 700-word article regarding viewpoints on aging that includes:

  • A definition of lifespan management
  • 10 to 15 terms relevant to lifespan management in bold with an explanation of each
  • A brief explanation of lifespan management considering:
  • The history of lifespan management
  • Culture
  • Mentality and philosophy of aging
  • Changes to services
  • Changes to the industry

Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.

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