Conflict Styles, Threats – Essaylink

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Choose at least one of the three journaling ideas:

Choice 1: Use your journal to keep track of the styles of conflict that you use for the next week. Assess whether or not the conflict styles were effective. In retrospect, would any other conflict style have worked well, perhaps better, during the conflicts?

Choice 2: What styles of conflict do you notice around you? Do the conflict styles vary from one person to another? What conflicts seem to spark more adversarial conflict styles? What conflicts seem to be accompanied by cooperative styles?

Choice 3: Use your journal to notice the threats (if any) in your surroundings – those made at you and that you may make to others. What response(s) did the threats elicit? How do these threats fit the criteria for “credible threats” discussed in Chapter 5? What would your advice on threats be to a person who is new to conflict?

The post Conflict Styles, Threats first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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