Construction management

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I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

For your Portfolio Project, you will assume the role of a designer to complete architectural plans utilizing Revit software. You have submitted milestones that will be used toward your project in Modules 3, 4, 5, and 6. You can review the milestones in their module folders. Ensure that you have incorporated any feedback from your instructor in your final project.

Your Portfolio Project should include:

  • a letter to introduce your firm (Module 3)
  • five qualifying questions for the owner and/or A/E and response (Module 3)
  • identification of the project and location (Module 4)
  • the primary project players (Module 4)
  • the contract amount and project timeline (Module 4)
  • the construction methods or management techniques you would recommend (Module 4)
  • a project proposal outlining your strategy and contract types (Module 5)
  • your firm’s capabilities and steps for project implementation (Module 5)
  • a project schedule and activities timeline (Module 5)
  • your project background and scope (Module 6)
  • your project delivery method and contract type (Module 6)
  • your project bid and financing process (Module 6)
  • the key elements of your proposal (Module 6)
  • resource and material management considerations (Module 6)
  • progress photos (Module 6)
  • recommended practices in the areas of safety, health, and environmental management, as well as the minimum safety, health, and environmental management requirements for the project your firm is undertaking (Module 8)

Your Portfolio Project should also:

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