Credit Risk Data

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. The worksheet Base Data in the Excel file Credit Risk Data provides information about 425 bank customers who had applied for loans. The data include the purpose of the loan, checking and savings account balances, number of months as a customer of the bank, months employed, gender, marital status, age, housing status and number of years at current residence, job type, and credit-risk classification by the bank.

a. Use the COUNTIF function to determine (1) how many customers applied for new-car, used-car, business, education, small-appliance, and furniture loans and (2) the number of customers with checking account balances less than $500.

b. Modify the spreadsheet using |F functions to include new columns, classifying the checking and savings account balances as low if the balance is less than $250, medium if between $250 but less than $2000, and high otherwise.

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