Cultural Treatment : Investigate Santeria

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1) Describe 3-4 salient features that make this religion distinct from other religions. 2) How is spirituality understood in the religion? 3) Are there any specific spiritual pathways that allow the growth of deeper human values and profound personal growth? If so, describe them? 4) What are the rules and guidelines in terms of personal freedoms in the religion you researched? Do you think the rules will change in the future? 5) Describe the status of gender and gender identities in the religion and discuss any gender oppression or gender discrimination that is based on religion. Discuss the religion’s policy on LGBTQIA communities. Did the policy change in the recent past? If so, describe the change. Internal and External Religious Discrimination 1) Explain any historical and recent discrimination that religion has experienced. 2) Do you think discrimination will increase or decrease in the future? Research and find an article (within the past 5 years) on religious discrimination incident that this specific religious/spiritual group experienced, and briefly describe the incident. 3) Are there different factions of this religion? If so, what is the consensus in terms of how each faction views the other? Is there discrimination between the factions? If so, in what form? 4) How do you think these types of incidents involving religious discrimination can be avoided in our society, and in the workplace?

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