Death and memory in ancient art

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I’m studying and need help with a Art & Design question to help me learn.

This project has two main parts: a short research paper and visual application

The Research Paper: The primary focus for this final project is to demonstrate that you can explore an ancient burial site with some depth (Part I)and to explain how your own tomb relates to the ancient example (Part II). For both parts of this project, remember: all work must be thoroughly cited; if you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism, please check with me or make an appointment with the Writing Center.

Please be sure to carefully organize your paper so that it conveys information in a logical, reasonable fashion, including your assessment of the information that you’ve gathered. Correct spelling and grammar are essential for an A. Have I mentioned the Writing Center? J Use your resources wisely—there are support systems and I’m happy to tell you about them.

NOTE : I have also uploaded a file which has instructions and details about both the parts of the project. Make sure to read that before you accept the work. The citation has to be from legit sources ill provide my library’s database for you to use!

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