Demonstrate basic knowledge of government protocols influencing those who contract with public agencies.

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Choose appropriate contract types based on risk and purpose. Demonstrate basic knowledge of government protocols influencing those who contract with public agencies. You have been asked by your manager to develop a request for proposal and to recommend a contract type that will be useful in meeting the requirements determined in your previous research of the companies various departmental needs for office cleaning by an outside contractor of departments who will use the service. Discuss the following: List 3 specific tasks suppliers should perform and ask for a proposal. Describe the criteria that will be used to determine the tasks are completed satisfactorily. Develop a white paper that lists three types of contracts. For each type of contract, discuss the following. Contract type Description of contract type When to use Use library articles and, if appropriate, Internet resources to develop the white paper. Use APA formatting, proper grammar, and good punctuation. This paper will be read by several key executives in the company and you want to be as professional as possible.

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