Describe the different perspective of liability that officers may have from correctional leaders.

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In a 3–4-page paper, discuss the following: * Describe the different perspective of liability that officers may have from correctional leaders. * Discuss why leadership styles may need to be adjusted in different prison environments. * Finally, discuss how you, as a correctional leader, would handle officers’ ethical issues, such as not reporting inmate altercations as required. Using the Unit Steps as a guide, read the following chapter sections in Corrections: * Chapter 6 Legal Issues in Corrections * Inmate Discipline * Equal Treatment * Liability Issues for Staff * Office and Support Staff * Managers * The Organization of Prisons Additional Reading: * Leadership Styles You may be required to enter the e-book email and password you created to gain access to download and read chapters from your e-book Corrections Author: Editorial Board Type: e-Book – BvD Publisher: Words of Wisdom, LLC Edition: 1 ISBN: 9781943926275 Class: CRJS220-03-1903B

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