Development Project paper on Unmanned Systems

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In this course, you will be required to prepare and submit a Development Project paper demonstrating an understanding by creating an autonomous unmanned system design, configuration, and theory of operation. For this project, you will need to perform the following:

  • Select one type of environment for the project: land, air, or space.
  • Discuss the perceived need of a new autonomous control subsystem as it relates to a current unmanned system application, management practice, or operational policy and the need for safety, efficiency, and effectiveness (why is it needed?).
  • Identify innovative new technologies, methods, processes, or concepts relating to your perceived need.
  • Provide requirement specifications associated with your perceived need (what it must be capable of, design-imposed limits, etc.).
  • Present possible autonomous control and processing options for unmanned systems based on the operational environment and availability of new technology, methods, processes, or concepts.
  • Discuss the appropriateness of considered elements/components to support the intended use, including the benefits, limitations, and constraints.
  • Formulate a specific solution or research strategy to address the perceived need, including a theory of operation, any appropriate recommendations or conclusions, and supporting references.
  • Utilize an appropriate research method and statistical analysis (if applicable) to obtain data and reference materials to support your work.
  • Recommend future research strategies to better understand the issue and add to the collective body of knowledge associated with unmanned systems.

APA formatting, to include topic headings in the paper, a title page, abstract page and reference pages. The paper must be eight pages minimum, 10 pages maximum (title, abstract, and reference pages, images, tables, diagrams, and graphs do not count towards paper length, only full pages of text), and it must contain at least six credible references.

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