Discuss the impact of wearable technologies on consumer lifestyle – Essaylink

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Assessment topic: In the last decade, there has been a surge in popularity in wearable technology including smart watches, activity trackers and even smart clothing. Consumers and companies are beginning to use various devices for a variety of applications. The growth of wearable technology shows no sign of slowing down.
Discuss the impact of wearable technologies on consumer lifestyle
Task Details: The students are required to respond to the statement above and write the responses in an essay format. The points of this assessment are to test students’ knowledge on contemporary marketing issues as well as to provide students with an at-risk assessment. The aim is to give students an early assessment with feedback to identify students who are at risk of not achieving a pass in the subject. This assessment will allow lecturer/tutor to work with the students and provide early feedback which they can take on board for later assignments. If necessary, students may be referred to the learning support unit for further help.
As the assessment asks for the opinion, the arguments need to be supported with reliable sources of information. It is expected that students will cite at least 8 references. Sources that can be used, for example, include the textbook and refereed journal articles. Please refrain from using internet sources like essay.com.

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