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After reviewing the Assignment 6.3 Great Firewall of China, I saw very different opinions from “exporting technologies for supporting internet censorship should be banned” to “There is nothing wrong with that as this is a pure business decision”. Let us switch our lens back to the U.S. and discuss most current debate at our homeland – “Fake News”

Since 2016 Election, “fake news” has been a huge concern. Does not matter which side you are on, we are all victims. Here are some of my observations:

  • Extremely biased news with the intention to mislead voters can also be very harmful.
    • Compared to fake news, biased news are based on partial facts
  • Major social media platforms are being used to spread these news
  • Does not matter it is paid or not, the algorithms used for ranking news on major social platforms has been cracked
  • Majority of us usually do not have time nor enough knowledge to verify if it is a fake or biased
  • Manually reviewing all news is impossible; And it can be biased too.

The next election is right at our doorstep. In Cybersecurity field, there are many mature content filter tools available for recognizing and block these content automatically with very high accuracy. However, this is Internet Censorship, essentially the same thing China has been doing. So here are your three options

  • a. Technologies should be used to block obvious “fake news” and “extremely biased news” to prevent them from misleading voter.
  • b. Blocking obvious “fake news” and “extremely biased news” is unacceptable and unconstitutional. It is okay to leave those obvious “Fake news” and “extremely biased news” there to mislead voters. Voters should take their own responsibility and time to do their research.
  • c. I have some different opinion

Here’s what you need to do (no need to do 2,3)

  1. Pick one option and explain why
  2. Respond to at least one person that has a different opinion
  3. Respond to posts under your own post
  4. EXTRA 10 POINTS if you post your first post prior to Thursday midnight

Important Rules

  1. If any facts are used in this discussion board, you must include reference
  2. This is a purely technical discussion. We are ONLY discussing about whether using this type of technology in the US is acceptable or not.
  3. Posts related to any specific political parties, political believes, presidents or candidates (either directly or implicitly) is PROHIBITED and will be immediately removed

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