Each group will, for an organisation of their choosing, develop a Sustainability Strategy Report for that business. – Essaylink

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This Assessment is for groups of no more than five students from the same Tutorial and is designed to assess your progress in evolving the ability to work collaboratively on the development of Sustainability Strategy.
Each group will, for an organisation of their choosing, develop a Sustainability Strategy Report for that business.
To submit a definitive and complete Sustainability Strategy Report for the organisation chosen, you will need to consider at least the following –
¦ Ethics
¦ Sustainability
¦ Profit
¦ Customers
¦ Competition
¦ Strategy
The Report may need to address other relevant considerations and must include evidence of research to substantiate your Conclusions and Recommendations.
This Group Report Assessment will be Peer Reviewed.
Groups are required to submit their written Report of no more than 2,500 words to Turnitin in Week 8.
Important Instructions
This Assessment is to be completed by groups of no more than five students from the same Tutorial and contributes 35% to the final grade for this course.
The word count limit is 2,500 words (plus or minus 10%), excluding Executive Summary, References and Appendices.
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