Elevator Pitch Feedback

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I’m studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn.

Providing feedback to others can often be a learning experience for both parties, the person receiving the feedback as well as the person providing it. For this assignment, you will provide feedback for at least two (2) other people in the class on their YouTube elevator pitches. It is critical for this assignment that you provide feedback to your classmates in a kind and considerate manner. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and the idea here is to help each other improve so that your next two pitches (conference and phone) can be even better than your elevator pitches.

This can be a great assignment for learning from both the giving and receiving parts of the feedback, as well as scanning through the various comments other students have made about their group members. Overall, remember to be cordial, considerate, and professional because all interactions are potential networking opportunities.

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