Explain the reasoning behind Eq. (7.20) for normal anisotropy, and Eq. (7.21) for planar – Essaylink

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1.Explain the reasoning behind Eq. (7.20) for normal anisotropy, and Eq. (7.21) for planar


anisotropy, respectively. Equation (7.20) on p. 391 represents an average

R value by virtue of the fact that all directions (at 45circ intervals) are taken into account.

2. Describe why earing occurs. How would you avoid it? Would ears serve any useful purposes?

Explain. Earing, described in Section 7.6.1 on p. 394, is due to the planar anisotropy of the sheet metal. Consider a round blank and a round die cavity; if there is planar anisotropy, then the blank will have less resistance to deformation in some directions compared to others, and will thin more in directions of greater resistance, thus developing ears.

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