Give complete explanations. Show all work 1. Show and explain the distance (diff – Essaylink

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Give complete explanations. Show all work
1. Show and explain the distance (difference) between -11 and 7  (5 pts)
1b. Find the number that is the midpoint (midway) between -11 and 7   (5 pts)
2. Find the distance between the points  (-3, -2)  and  (5, 0)   (5 pts)
2b. Find the midpoint for (-3, -2) and (5, 0)   (5 pts)
3. Wendy babysits for the Schiola family. Each week she gets $50 for traveling expense plus $15 per hour.
Write the linear equation that shows the relation between weekly income (I) and hours (h).
Make a table of four ordered pairs for her weekly income (I) and number of hours spent babysitting (h).   (10 pts)
3b. Explain why this relation is or is not a linear relation.  (5 pts)
4.  Make a table of four ordered pairs for the relation y = 5x – 3.  (10 pts)
4b. Explain why the relation is or is not linear.  (5 pts)

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1. Show and explain the distance (diff appeared first on Essay Desk.

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