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You are expected to produce a short video to describe (a) you’re learning experience in the BBA Program, and (b) how Strategic Management course ties to it. The following information elaborates on this:
a) Learning experience in the BBA Program – Describe broadly what you learned in your major.
 For guidance you can review each major’s description available at:
b) How this course ties to it – Describe how this course helped you in achieving two to three of the following BBA goals:
1.1 BBA students will assess an organizations strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and will integrate these factors into a viable strategic plan.
1.2 BBA students will analyze a firm’s financial and accounting information identifying firm strengths and weaknesses and will develop suitable strategies to improve corporate performance.
1.3 BBA students will recognize, measure, and analyze market demand for a product or service and will integrate this analysis into an effective marketing strategy.
1.4 BBA students will understand the role of financial markets and institutions in our economy and will integrate these monetary factors into an effective decisionmaking process.
1.5 BBA students will employ information technology to collect and evaluate business data to support the formulation of organizational strategies based on the results of their analysis.
1.6 BBA students will employ production operation models to supply chain problems and will recommend the operating strategy that maximized shareholder value.
1.7 BBA students will integrate decision processes and models from management, marketing, economics, finance, and accounting into the value creation process
2.2 BBA students will apply quantitative methods and frameworks to business problems and will incorporate the results of analysis into operating strategies.
4.1 BBA students will write concise, clear business reports.
4.2 BBA students will prepare and make a persuasive, professional speech on a current business topic.
You should link concepts and frameworks from the textbook and Capstone lessons to the achievement of these BBA objectives


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