History Discussion (150 words)

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DISCUSSION: New Nation Experiment

  • For this discussion, you MUST use information from both your text(s) and videos and SEE THE DISCUSSION GRADING RUBRIC, at the link above.
  • Be sure to give yourself credit for using details and evidence from a source with an abbreviated citation at the end of your sentence. (Washington video) OR (Text 161) OR (Lyon document) Like so.

You will see in your text for this module the question posed:

Why was it so hard for Americans to accept political dissent as loyal political activity?

I also asked in your study guide:

Which events show the difficulty leaders had in creating a new nation, considering the opposing viewpoints – differing opinions?

This discussion is intended for you to kick around some ideas about these questions. Think about it – they have a new country and people don’t agree on how it should be governed. So how do they stay together? How do they know that someone in their own country won’t do to them what they just did to Great Britain – have another revolution?

Creating this new country was a daunting and brave and radical task. I’m asking you to explore a bit WHY it was so difficult. Which events prove to you – or are evidence about – how hard that was? Why was it hard to be “OK” with someone STRONGLY disagreeing with you? Look at the outbreaks of violence in this period.

  • Answer the following in your ORIGINAL POST:
    • Why was it so hard for Americans to accept political dissent as loyal political activity?
    • Which events show the difficulty leaders had in creating a new nation, considering the opposing viewpoints – differing opinions?

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