Hope and Behavioral Health. – Essaylink

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Hope and Behavioral Health. Amanda is a 36 year old female who has been diagnosed with cancer. She is married, has 2 young children, and works as an Insurance Agent. Amanda’s recent diagnosis of cancer has wreaked havoc on her professional life, her life as a mother, and her life as a wife. As you know, cancer can be fatal, but the death is not sudden. Even so, the diagnosis of cancer does entail a certain type of loss. Amanda is seeking assistance and needs your help. As a health and wellness specialist in the oncology department of a large hospital, you have been asked to help Amanda understand her illness. Consider the following articles as part of your research: Griffith, J. L. (2014). Hope in cancer treatment. Psychiatric Annals, 44(7), 323-325. doi:10.3928/00485713-20140707-04 Link to Article Eustache, C., Jibb, E., & Grossman, M. (2014). Exploring hope and healing in patients living with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 41(5), 497-508. doi:10.1188/14.ONF.497-508. Link to Article Apply the concepts explored in the articles above by writing a 2-3 page paper in APA format using proper spelling and grammar. Your paper should address the following: Discuss Kubler-Ross’ Theory of Death and Dying and apply it to what Amanda may be experiencing psychologically. Predict some of the barriers to psychological well-being that Amanda may experience due to her illness. Describe how you might be able to educate Amanda about her illness and the impact that it may have on her and her family. Be sure to reference one or both articles above. Explain how the concept of “hope” may help Amanda deal with her illness.

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