How advertising is changing – Essaylink

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After reading this article on the Samsung Galaxy and the image search to purchase and cash back, what do you think this will do to paid advertising in the future for brands listed here? Think of a brand and how you would use this tool and describe here.
To answer this particular question, click the link above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.
Discussion Board
Week Four Discussion 2
Describe how you see the future of using emojis after reading this article about how marketers conduct consumer research.To answer this particular question, click the link above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.
Discussion Board
Week Four Discussion 3
Rosabeth Kays, “ Sport Sponsorships: A Prime Example of Organizational Mutualism Click for more options Sport Sponsorships: A Prime Example of Organizational Mutualism – Alternative Formats ”, Neumann Business Review 2013: 41-52
After reading this article about sports sponsorships and mutualism, select a sports team you know and a sponsor. Describe the relationship of that from both sides, the team and the sponsor. What does each partner receive and does it seem appropriate?To answer this particular question, click the link above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.
Discussion Board
Week Four Discussion 4Voice Assistants for Advertising
Can you think of a product or service and how you would use a voice assistant like Alexa to promote it? Don’t use any examples from the article.To answer this particular question, click the link above. Once you are in the forum, click the “Create Thread” button to view the question again, as well as, create and submit your answer.

The post How advertising is changing first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

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