How does the organization socialize employees? Does it put them through formal training programs? What kind of programs are used, and what is their goal? – Essaylink

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1. Do managers and employees use certain words and phrases to describe the behavior of people in the organization? Are any stories about events or people typically used to describe the way the organization works? (Hint: Look at the company’s Web page.)

2. How does the organization socialize employees? Does it put them through formal training programs? What kind of programs are used, and what is their goal?

3. What beliefs and values seem to characterize the way people behave in the organization? How do they affect people’s behavior?

4. Given the answers to the first three questions, how would you characterize the organization’s culture and the way it benefits or harms the organization? How could the culture be improved?

5. Can you find a written statement of the organization’s stance on social responsibility? Are there stories in the press about the company? If there are, what do they say?

The organization am using is Apple Inc., attached are my previous essays as references. Also, attached is the rubric for more information.

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