How much will it cost to hire a social media manager for a medical center? AND Do they manage all social media accounts or do they do a certain social media account? – Essaylink

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Hi there! I am currently working on a project. The description of the project is below:
We are working for a medical center, and they would like to expand their clientele with more people within a 5 mile radius of the location. They also want to look into expanding in the 30s and 40s age as they primarily attend to the elder clientele. So basically we are going to help them grown in numbers and people by providing a growth plan. The owner of the medical center said the place is pretty old school, so their marketing and expansion needs some help with new technologies to grow! 
Now your duty is to do:
How much will it cost to hire a social media manager for a medical center? AND Do they manage all social media accounts or do they do a certain social media account?

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