Identify & analyze current legal and ethical issues for media practice

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Comment Piece:This task requires you to identify & analyze current legal and ethical issues for media practice 

1. Please read paper requirement and all files before you start. 2. You can adjust the source number depending on how the paper is going/ 3. No direct quotation. Similarity should under 10%including reference list 4. Please follow the paper structure/word limit, you final version should include: (All parts as Sample paper). 5. Please check your paper with the Rubric before you delivery it 6. Please use academic vocabulary, no grammar errors 7. Please give me a draft of whatever you have at least 12hours before the deadline. 8. FYI, I uploaded the sample papers for you to get the how the paper should be, but please note these from last semester, and their length are only 800words, and we are doing 1300words.

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