In a creative paper, imagine living during the Revolutionary era: who would you be (e.g., landowner, merchant, indentured servant, slave, craftsmen, woman – independent of her family or husband, Native American)? Where would you live? Which side would you

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I need help with a Political Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Write an articulate essay based on one of the following essay choices in a 3 to 5 page paper:

In a creative paper, imagine living during the Revolutionary era: who would you be (e.g., landowner, merchant, indentured servant, slave, craftsmen, woman – independent of her family or husband, Native American)? Where would you live? Which side would you choose – and why? Or would you choose sides?

Text book: McClain/Tauber, American Government in Black & White: Diversity & Democracy, 4th Edition,

Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-092851-3

Course: American Government POL 100



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