In the Pfiffner case, list the central factors that you found led to its tragedy.

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Your goal should be to be fully responsive to the prompts. Be sure to define key terms and cite the book(s) when applicable. When appropriate, provide a supporting example or idea from the news, personal experience, work experience, other course material, etc. Use of key words and concepts from the textbooks should be clearly indicated. Essays should also be fully responsive to the prompts. For each prompt provide (1)one examples from your professional experience and/or what you have learned from newspapers, magazine, podcasts, documentaries, and other sources and cite (2)two citations from the book. Answer each prompt below 1 paragraph per prompt. All Prompts use the file labeled stillman_14-16 Prompt 1 Heclo primarily applied the issue network notion to the federal level of government.

Is it possible to apply it to state and local levels as well? Describe why or why not?

Prompt 2

In the Pfiffner case, list the central factors that you found led to its tragedy. Rank those you see as most important. Which ones were least important? What criteria did you use to rank order these factors? Given your list, does it differ from Friedrich’s and Finer’s prescriptions for achieving the administrative responsibility? If so, why? 

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