inflation rate

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Google the St Louis Economics Database (“Fred II”) and download the monthly constant maturity 1-year and 10-year series (excel-format, denoted GS1 and GS10, respectively). Similarly, google the Bureau of Labor Statistics (“BLS”) and create a spreadsheet of the all-urban CPI (“inflation”) index.[footnoteRef:0] [0: For simplicity, use the all-urban, not seasonally-adjusted, all items index.]

a. Compute a column that shows the YoY inflation rate, as a monthly series.

b. Plot the monthly 1-yr CMT, 10-yr CMT, and inflation rate on a single graph, from (at least) the 1960’s through the present. Make sure that the x-axis matches the available data range.

c. Comment on the peak in the early 80’s and on the state of affairs from the late 90’s through the present.

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