International HRM – What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a multicultural and diverse managerial group comprising the female and male managers from both countries (A and B) – Essaylink

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Module Title: International HRM

Assessment Information

This assignment is designed to assess the following learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate sound knowledge about the relationship between the impact of culture on organisational life. 2. Identify key areas of similarity and difference in HR practice between countries. 3. Link the choice of strategic international HR with international business strategy approaches. 4. Measure the impact and effectiveness of international assignments.

This assignment is an individual coursework that has 2 components:


Component 1:


The Headquarters (HQ) of a Multinational Corporation (MNC) from a sector and country (A) of your choice is planning to implement a common International Talent Management strategy and Training development management practices across one of its global subsidiaries.  The MNC will send a group of 2 female and 2 male managers to start operations in a subsidiary from a country (B) of your choice.


You are an IHRM Consultant and you have been asked to give advice in this cross-border process.


To meet the expectations, you have to formulate a Report to the board of directors which addresses the following questions:


  • What are the major institutional and cultural differences which separate country A and country B? • What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a multicultural and diverse managerial group comprising the female and male managers from both countries (A and B)? • What is the role of the expatriate from both countries (A and B) with respect developing a Talent Management Strategy and to encourage knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer throughout cross cultural training between the Headquarters (A) and the subsidiary (B)?

To answer these questions, you will be expected to demonstrate that you:


  1. a) develop an analysis about the major economic, political, social with special emphasis on the institutional and cultural differences between the HQ (country A) and the subsidiary (country B). This analysis will be based on a critical evaluation of the relevant literature about the theoretical debate on Institutional approach, Cross Cultural Management and IHRM;


  1. b) discuss the role of corporate and national cultures of both countries (A and B) on the development of a Talent Management Strategy and cross-cultural training strategies;


  1. c) draw conclusions and suggest recommendations regarding to a critical approach to IHRM in relation to the development of an International Talent Management Strategy, knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer throughout cross cultural training between the Headquarters (A) and the subsidiary (B).

Component 2:


Personal Reflection


A ‘Personal Reflection’ which is your own reflection on the process of working in a multicultural group during the seminars and what you have learned.


  1. Your reflection should be written in the first person (use me/I) and should be no more than 500 words in total. This is part of your overall 4,000 word count.


You must use such an example :

Perlmutters  typology

  • In order to be globally competitive, multi-national corporations must be globally cooperative (Perlmutter & Heenan, 1986).
  • Stages of Internationalisation and decisions on policies and procedures (Heenan & Perlmutter, 1979).

Increased degree of centralised headquarter

control and lack of decentralised subsidiary autonomy.

Increased degree of decentralisation and subsidiary autonomy.







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