Literature Review

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In this assignment, you will develop your literature review. Your literature review should be 6–8 pages in length. The review should include a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed scholarly articles published within the past ten years that focus on your problem or topic of choice. (Your final project requires a minimum of 10 sources.) Using the Literature Review Scoring Guide as a reference and the APA Proposal Template, write a paper in which you will discuss five specific points:

  1. Describe the line of research of which the research project is meant to contribute.
  2. Analyze critically the studies that support the research project’s research problem, research question, and the significance of the study.
  3. Identify, describe, and evaluate the studies that present a theoretical framework for the study.
  4. Identify, describe, and assess the instruments, measures, and methods of data collection and analysis supporting the research proposal’s methodology and approach.
  5. Provide a rationale for the proposed research by identifying missing elements, unanswered questions, and gaps in the existing knowledge base.

To ensure you are meeting the objectives of this assignment, please review the Literature Review Scoring Guide. In your paper, include in-text citations and a reference section at the end. Make sure your paper is formatted based on current APA guidelines. Refer to APA Style Central for guidance in using proper APA style. See the APA Style and Format section of the Writing Center for instructions on accessing and using APA Style Central.

Submit your paper to the assignment area for grading.

I am attaching the papers that I have written prior to this assignment… they lead up to this, so some of the articles are in those. Thanks.

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